
Microsoft solves the problem of data corruption on the SD card in Windows 7

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Microsoft has released a software solution to the problem encountered by users of the new operating system Windows 7. The essence of the problem was in corrupted user data stored on the SD card through the Advanced Direct Memory Access (ADMA). Moreover, the problem relates to memory cards formatted in the file system NTFS.

According to Microsoft, the driver Secure Digital Bus Driver (Sdbus.sys), responsible for translating the data structures DMA, the current operating system Windows 7, the data structure of ADMA, applied to the SD card can record in a table descriptor SD wrong number of data bits. When this occurs, the data copied to a memory card, damaged, and further access to them can be difficult.

Community versions of Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate can download a software solution to the problem with the site support Microsoft. Available options for the 32-bit and 64-bit OS.