
The most expensive application for iPhone - BarMax CA for law students, all for $ 999.99

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In App Store appeared dearest application for iPhone - BarMax CA, it worth $ 999,99. And this not useless picture as in case with annex I Am Rich, which appeared last August and worth same, but quite functional and useful program. I Am Rich, incidentally, was removed practically immediately. Regarding BarMax CA, this very volumetric annex, "weighing" more 1 Gb. It intended for preparation Jurists California State Exam on specialty. Annex includes thousands of pages of text and hundreds hours audiomaterials. This approximately corresponds two months' rate.

Company BarMax to end current year plans prepare versions his applications for Jurists six other states U.S., including New York. Interestingly that when throughout expensiveness BarMax CA, acquire such annex cheaper than engage in in class for preparation to exam. Company BarBri, eg, Invites such a service for $ 3000 - $ 4000. BarBri Invites free application for iPhone, but only with condition purchase services.